
STATinMED RWD Insights

Our advisory and linkage services help clients to develop the ideal data lake, sourced with curated data that is aligned with research goals.

With access to more than 80% of the US healthcare system, we use patient-level data across all-provider types to support evidence generation needs.

Are you maximizing your planning efforts?

Do you want to know the difference between covered lives and clinically eligible lives?

Market Access Considerations

Are you interested in reducing the cost of care?

How do you demonstrate value and work to improve patient outcomes?

Precision Medicine – Oncology


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Publication Highlights

Over 900 publications and presentations – and counting!

Read our latest blogs on RWD and RWE

Get the Latest Perspectives on Real-World Data and Evidence

Learn True Burden of Disease Through Real-World Data

Looking Ahead? Find Us Here

May 13-18, 2022: ATS International Conference

May 14-18, 2022: ISPOR 2022

May 21-24, 2022: Digestive Disease Week

June 3-7, 2022: ASCO Annual Meeting

June 22-25, 2022: EASL International Liver Congress

July 9-13, 2022: ISTH Congress

August 26-29, 2022: ESC Congress

As real-world evidence authorities, we discover data, develop insights
and deliver optimal solutions to help healthcare companies realize maximum value.