
Authors: Camilo Obando, Zhijie Ding, Erik Muser, Neel Vaidya, Wenqin Qiang, Xiaoxi Sun, Huiqi Wang, Rajesh Mallampati, and Lin Xie


Introduction: Crohn’s disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract. This real-world study evaluated persistence, dose titration, health care resource utilization (HCRU) and associated costs, and medication use among CD patients treated with ustekinumab (UST) in several pooled US commercial database populations.

Methods: CD patients aged ≥ 18 years with medical or pharmacy claims for UST were selected from pooled data from 3 large, national commercial databases. The first observed medical or pharmacy claim for UST was the index date. Patients were required to have had ≥ 1 medical claim with a CD diagnosis during the 12 months prior to the index date and continuous health plan enrollment for a minimum of 12 months prior to and 12 months after the index date. Comparisons of outcomes during the baseline and follow-up periods were conducted using inferential statistical tests.

Results: A total of 214 eligible UST patients were selected. The majority (74.8%) were biologic experienced (mean age: 41 years), and 83.6% remained treatment persistent during the 12-month post-index period. Among discontinuers, 25.7% restarted UST, and 8.6% switched from UST in the 12-month observation period. The mean treatment duration was 329 days. Most patients (77%) used the recommended UST dose, as defined as being within a 20% dose variation from label (90 mg/8 weeks ± 20%), 17.9% experienced dose escalation, and 5.1% experienced dose reduction. Post-index immunomodulator and corticosteroid use reduced by 20% and 28%, respectively, as compared with pre-index use among CD patients using UST. Annual all-cause ER visits and inpatient stays decreased by 20.5% and 30.3%, respectively, with similar downward trends for annual CD-related HCRU.

Conclusions: The majority of CD patients prescribed UST were biologic experienced, and persistence was high over the 1-year follow-up. UST treatment initiation was associated with reductions in ER visits, inpatient stays, and steroid and other medication use.

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