by Sandeep Gupta | May 5, 2023 | Hematology, Publication
Abstract Background: This study retrospectively compared annualized billed bleed rates (ABRb) in people with hemophilia A (PwHA) without inhibitors who switched from factor VIII (FVIII) prophylaxis to emicizumab. Research design and methods: A real-world comparison...
by Sandeep Gupta | Mar 14, 2023 | Infectious Disease, Publication
Abstract Objectives The only available oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) regimens approved in the United States to prevent HIV infection during the period covered by this study were emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (F/TAF) and emtricitabine/tenofovir...
by Sandeep Gupta | Feb 16, 2023 | Endocrine, Publication
Abstract Aims To identify patient clusters with poor glucose control among type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients with obesity who are receiving basal-bolus insulin and to identify the potential therapeutic inertia factors associated with poor control. Methods...
by Sandeep Gupta | Feb 14, 2023 | Cancer (blood), Hematology, Oncology, Publication
ABSTRACT Background: Primary myelofibrosis [PMF] is a myeloproliferative neoplasm associated with reduced overall survival (OS). Management strategies for PMF have evolved over the last two decades, including approval of ruxolitinib as the first Janus kinase 1...
by Sandeep Gupta | Feb 14, 2023 | immunology, Publication
Abstract Objective: Assess healthcare costs associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) flares among patients with and without lupus nephritis (LN). Methods: This retrospective cohort study used medical and pharmacy claims data from the United...
by Sandeep Gupta | Jan 13, 2023 | Cardiovascular, Publication
Abstract Background: In the USA, there is a steady rise of atrial fibrillation due to the aging population with increased morbidity. This study evaluated the risk of stroke/systemic embolism (S/SE) and major bleeding (MB) among elderly patients with...