Therapeutically interchangeable? A study of real‐world outcomes associated with switching basal insulin analogues among US patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus using electronic medical records data

Abstract Authors: Levin P, Wei W, Miao R, Ye F, Xie L, Baser O, Gill J Aims: To evaluate real-world clinical outcomes for switching basal insulin analogues [insulin glargine (GLA) and insulin detemir (DET)] among US patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)....

Impact of initiating insulin glargine disposable pen vs vial/syringe on real‐world glycemic outcomes and persistence among patients with T2DM in a large managed care plan: A claims database analysis

Abstract Authors: Xie L, Zhou S, Pinsky BW, Buysman EK, Baser O. Background: Diabetes accounts for almost 15% of all direct healthcare expenditures. Managed care organizations try to reduce costs and improve patient outcomes. Increasing patient persistence with...