by Sandeep Gupta | May 15, 2019 | Cardiovascular
Abstract Authors: Deitelzweig S, Keshishian A, Li X, Kang A, Dhamane A, Luo X, Balachander N, Rosenblatt L, Mardekian J, Pan X, Nadkarni A, Di Fusco M, Garcia Reeves AB, Yuce H, Lip GYH Objectives: Older adult patients are underrepresented in clinical trials...
by Sandeep Gupta | May 15, 2019 | Neurological, Publication
Abstract Authors: Khandker RK, Black CM, Xie L, Kariburyo MF, Ambegaonkar BM, Baser O, Yuce H, Fillit H. Objectives: To study transitions between healthcare settings and quantify the cost burdens associated with different combinations of transitions during a...
by Sandeep Gupta | May 13, 2019 | Infectious Disease, Publication
Abstract Authors: Zilberberg MD, Shorr AF, Wang L, Baser O, Yu H. Objectives: To create a risk stratification score for Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in elderly adults. Design: A sample from the Medicare 5% data set linked to Medicaid and Minimum...