by Sandeep Gupta | Jan 13, 2023 | Cardiovascular, Publication
Abstract Background: In the USA, there is a steady rise of atrial fibrillation due to the aging population with increased morbidity. This study evaluated the risk of stroke/systemic embolism (S/SE) and major bleeding (MB) among elderly patients with...
by Sandeep Gupta | Dec 9, 2022 | Cardiovascular, Publication
Abstract Background: Oral anticoagulants (OACs) mitigate stroke and systemic embolism (SE) risk in non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF) patients but can increase the risk of major bleeding (MB). This study analyzed the gains in event-free time for these...
by Sandeep Gupta | Dec 9, 2022 | Cardiovascular, Publication
Abstract This study evaluated effectiveness and safety of apixaban versus warfarin among venous thromboembolism patients at high-risk of bleeding (defined as having at least one of the following bleeding risk factors: ≥75 years; used antiplatelet, NSAIDs, or...
by Sandeep Gupta | Dec 9, 2022 | Cardiovascular, Publication
Abstract Importance: The CHA2DS2-VASc score (calculated as congestive heart failure, hypertension, age 75 years and older, diabetes, stroke or TIA, vascular disease, age 65 to 74 years, and sex category) is the standard for assessing risk of stroke and systemic...
by Sandeep Gupta | Aug 30, 2022 | Cardiovascular, Publication
Abstract Introduction This study evaluated the risk of hospitalization among nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) patients with an outpatient COVID-19 diagnosis who discontinued vs continued apixaban treatment. Methods Adult patients with...
by Sandeep Gupta | Aug 16, 2022 | Cardiovascular, Publication
Abstract Introduction There are a paucity of real-world data examining effectiveness and safety of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs) and warfarin in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) patients with prior bleeding. Methods This...